Conversation with Dave about online dating sites

4:28 PM
me: i want to make a fake dating site that you go through a mild questionaire with really personal questions, then it would match everyone to fake profiles of HUGE women
me: i want to make a fake dating site that you go through a mild questionaire with really personal questions, then it would match everyone to fake profiles of HUGE women
Dave: lol
thats; funny as shit
me: lol
You have new matches! Mailbox full
Dave: and all it does is spam your personal email
me: lol
4:29 PM
Dave: omg what a good scam'
Dave: omg what a good scam'
me: it's not a scam as much as it's a joke
Dave: yea
me: people would be like "is my perfect mate really a 400lb mexican woman?"
4:30 PM or a 350lb Scottish lass?
Dave: I can't wait to meet her
all my life I have been waiting on something "big"
me: ! and instead of mailbox full message, it would read "Over weight limit"
Dave: LOL
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